Five Helpful tips for improving your SEO today!

Use keywords that are relevant to your target audience

Without the correct key terms your content won’t reach the target audience. To find these relevant words you need to first understand who your audience is, what information they need, why that information is needed and which particular keywords are being used to find it.

Make sure the written content is readable

If what is written is completely uninteresting your audience won’t stick around to read the whole thing, every element of what is written must be engaging, it should tell the individual that the information they require is here and to gain it they must read on.

Improve your page loading speed

It’s no secret that we humans are very impatient, why should you have to wait more than a second for a page to load? Time is precious to most people and they aren’t going to stick around while your webpage loads. Not only this - the faster the site the easier it is for web crawlers to explore content and find keywords.

Does your site need a boost? At Omnisity we specialise in the creation of effective websites. Speak to us today on 01384 294444 to see how we can help.

Carry out authentic research

Unique information, facts and figures increases the likelihood of other sites linking to you to cite the findings. Furthermore, new research is of huge value to the search engine marketing industry. If you can contribute new and interesting information to your audience, you are playing exactly the way Google wants content creators to.

Include prominent images and graphics

Rather than just using the same old stock images, having a couple of high quality, well designed images makes your content look a lot more professional and tidy.

You can use online design services to carry out the work if you’re not able to. If this is something you are looking for, Omnisity can help. Send an email to us on [email protected]

According to the article “6 Powerful Reasons Why You Should include Images in your Marketing” from, articles with images get 94% more total views.

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