Social Media Management Services

Get a scroll-stopping presence on popular social channels

As a social media marketing agency, we work with you to establish your voice. Whether you’re new to social networks, or just want to hand over the reins, we make certain we capture the ethos of your business for an authentic representation across your social media channels.

Develop a social media presence authentic to you.

Grow through strategic performance.

Build customer loyalty through engagement.

Find your voice with our social media management services...

Having an active and dynamic presence on social media can greatly complement your marketing efforts, ensuring your business gets seen by relevant audiences; you become an authoritative and leading voice within your industry; and you build a reputation centred around wanting to help and connect with your audience. Creating a social media strategy, and implementing this through high-quality posts, engagement, and performance analytics, can put you on the right track.

The Benefits of Social Media Management Services?


Compared to some other digital marketing channels, a social media account is free to activate and use.

This makes our social media management services an affordable way to market your business online.

Unparalleled Reach and Engagement.

Social media is used by billions of people all over the world and has a reach like no other, helping you connect with unlimited people in your field and target audience.

Increase Leads.

Generate leads for your business through an active social media presence, by building brand awareness and loyalty.

Measure Performance.

You can track and report on your performance using clear metrics to continually evaluate the success of your social media strategy.

Gain Insight.

Our services allow you to gain first-hand insight into your target audience across social media – their opinions, needs, and the latest trends – which enables you to better personalise your social strategy towards them.

Build Brand Familiarity.

Stay top of mind with regular posting, increasing brand familiarity amongst existing and new audiences, meaning customers will feel more confident approaching your business first when they need you.

Maximise Other Marketing Efforts.

Social media is a great platform to advertise your other marketing efforts such as PR events, blogs, and promotions, which can boost their visibility and impact.

Keep an Eye on the Competition.

If your competition is active on social media, this presents a great opportunity for you to discover what they’re up to, getting you ahead of the game.

Reputation Management.

Social media allows you to respond to online concerns or complaints from customers quickly, managing how your business is perceived online.


Network with businesses and suppliers to build your industry connections and expand your capabilities.

Use Social Media to Strengthen Your Online Presence

At Omnisity, we offer social media management services in the West Midlands which help you strengthen your online presence through advanced social media marketing strategies.

Social Media Management Services

Who Are You Talking To and What Do You Want to Say?

Whether you’re promoting your products and services, engaging with potential customers, or networking with other businesses - social media is a fast and efficient way to communicate who you are and what your business can offer.

B2B (Business-to-business) or B2C (Business-to-consumer), there are many social media platforms, including FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedIn and many more – so it’s important to understand how they each work and how their platforms can benefit your needs. This is where a social media management tool can really come in handy.

What Is Social Media Management?

Social media management, or SMM, involves the analysis of audiences of various social media platforms and the development of a creative marketing strategy tailored to suit each one.

This could include any of the following:

  • Creating social media profiles for your business.
  • Monitoring and engaging with customers via online conversations, tags, and mentions – nurturing the online community around your business.
  • Collaborating with influencers, those who share your values.
  • Keeping track and reporting on social media performance (analytics) and ROI (return of investment).

We utilise some of the best social media management tools out there to ensure your business and its community stay up to date and engaged.

Social media management services often include:

  • Designing a social media strategy and content calendar
  • Creation of social media profile if you don’t have one already
  • Social media content creation
  • Response and engagement with your audience
  • Networking and partnering with influencers and other businesses
  • Monitoring, auditing, and analysing performance

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